Suds-N-Flood Tamer


Listed below are a few repeat customers that have purchased from us. This is to give you some idea where the Suds-N-Flood Tamers are used.

Champion Manufacturing, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.

Carl B. Seeds Inc., Prince Fredrick, MD.

A A Hardware Co., Washington, D.C.

Public Safety Center, Alexandria, VA.

Project #81004.01

City of Cedar Falls Department of Public Works, Cedar Falls, Iowa 319-268-0141 ext 220

Facility Services Inc. Waldorf, MD.

Water Master Inc., Detroit, MI.

Solution's, Portland, OR.

Phoentix Plumbers Inc., Syesville, MD. 301-781-3000

Thomas Somerville Co., Philadelphia, PA.

Noland Co., Gadsden, Ala

Joseph C. Bauer Inc., Washington D.C.

Baker Plumbing & Htg, Langdon, NH.

M Snyde Co. Baltimore MD.

L. A. S. Replacement Patrs, Inc., Bronx, NY.

M. Snyder Company, Baltimore, MD. 301-235-2222

Ventura Housing Authority, Ventura, CA.

Stanton Plumbing, Columbia, MD.

Baldwin Plumbing, Specialties Long Branch NJ. 201-222-9229

Edward E. Eckert & Co. Sliver Springs, MD.

George Oakes, Hudson, NY.

Thomas Somerville Co., Fairfax, VA.

Okato Manor Housing Authorty of Oconto, Oconto, WIS.

Omega Mechanical Service Co., Beltsville, MD.

James Vito, Rockville, MD.

Atchison & Keller, Inc. Washington, D.C. 202-829-8100

Economy Maintenance Supply, Alexandria, VA. 703-461-7700

Ed-Vern Plumbing Co., Baltimore, MD.

Battle Creek Housing Commission, Battle Creek, MI. 616-965-0591

Jessa Johnson Plumbing Sterling, VA. 703-471-6718

Winfield Housing Authority, Winfield, AL. 487-2400

James Vito, Sterling, VA.

M. C. Ladd Son Inc. Rockville, MD.

D. J. Plumbing Supply Co. Inc., Flushing, NY.

Warner Brothers, Reston, VA.

Warner Corportion, Washington D.C

Broedell Plumbing & Htg. Inc., St. Clair Shores, Michigan.

James Vito, Washington, D.C.

Long Branch Plumbing, Long Branch, NJ. 201-222-9229

Joe's Drain Services, Berwyn Heights, MD.

Geo. Warner Co., Arlington, VA.

R. V. Careys Plbg. & Htg. Inc., Rockville, MD. 301-424-8899

Fulton County Housing Authority, Canton, Illinois

E. J. Whelan Co., Beltsville, MD.

Iowa Plumbing Inspectors Association, Cedar Falls, Iowa 319-268-0141 ext 237

Schlosberg Properties, Arlington, VA.

Fritz Morgott Plumbing & Htg. ST. Clair Shores, Michigan.

Stevens Co., Washington, D.C.

James Vito, Alexandria, VA.

North Star APTS., Brainard, MIN. 218-829-8634

Tower Construction, Bethesda, MD. 301-984-7000